Donovan Richardson

I am a software engineer based in the New York City area with skills in web development, database design, and GIS. I enjoy all sorts of maps and have an on-again, off-again relationship with my e-bike.



A full-stack web application that extracts and displays keywords from user-entered text using TF-IDF. Spring Boot and Angular.


A timezone conversion tool for international teams. Provides a timestamp url that others can use to display the time in their local zone and in a target timezone. Vue.


An algorithm that recursively groups nodes in a road network into regions. Favors the grouping together of regions connected by short roads over those connected by long roads, of regions connected by many roads over those connected by few roads, and of core regions to peripheral regions over other core regions. Python; Data from OpenStreetMap and collaborators.


Departure timetables for various transit agencies. Choose a date, origin, and destination, and see a list table of all departures. Uses PostgreSQL databases and data GTFS feeds from various agencies. Express and Vue.